Wednesday 15 January 2014

Friends in High Places

I've  read a few of Donna Leon's crime stories in the past, and have generally enjoyed Commissario Guido Brunetti's investigations.    Brunetti is a high-ranking police officer in Venice, who takes his food and family seriously.  He is usually confronted with both the  bureaucracy and the corruption in Italian life.   He's mostly above such matters, although he couldn't be described as perfect.   He doesn't hesitate to utilise the computer-hacking skills of his co-worker, Signorina Elettra, for example, nor (occasionally) the connections of his high-placed father-in-law.

Friends in High Places isn't a new book, but I came across it a while back and put it aside for holiday reading, as I knew it would be very readable.  Brunetti is faced with a range of issues, and effectively solves the main plot but is forced to leave some issues unresolved -  an outcome  consistent with the imperfect society in which he operates.

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